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Mysterious Worlds

Mysterious Worlds
GenreAction Platform
DeveloperPlayStone Design
PublisherAmiga Fun
Reviewed byndial
A CoverDisk action adventure game of 1990 offered for free on the Amiga Fun magazine issue 1, which was considered as a game 'demo' than a real game. The game offered nice graphics and superb sound, but gameplay suffered a lot due to stiff sprite animations being ridiculously frustrating, otherwise it could be compared to commercial releases. Originally developed for the Commodore Amiga, and a bit later ported to the PC (DOS).
Mysterious WorldsSTORY/GAMEPLAY:
Well, there is not much of a story behind this game to be honest. The action is a stereotypical action shooting platform mayhem and basically all you have to do is run, jump, squash, shoot and generally splash your fins around, defeating baddies and killing massive bosses at the end of every level, all these in a joyful and very colorful wrap! You are given three lives, but if you collect all the gun-power up items found and then die, the level is impossible to complete because there no other items available to increase the firepower you need to beat the boss! More on that, the time limit to complete a level is ridiculously low I think. Controlling your character is ridiculously frustrating too, and is mostly close to impossible, resulting to easily fall into deadly pits or onto incoming nasties. Collision detection is another huge problem here, but if you master the chunky controls, you'll might be able to progress further, after 10-20 times of trying.
In general, Mysterious Worlds is an absolute joy in terms of sounds and graphics, but the in terms of gameplay just awful. Controlling properly (where necessary) your character is mostly close to impossible.

The game's visuals are fine, offering smooth scrolling, parallax scrolling, and nicely detailed backdrops, and it is obvious that a great deal of care and attention has been taken over them. Two planes of parallax scrolling are used, and each level is littered with brightly colored details (up to 32 colors on screen). Sprites look rather small, but nicely designed and animated too.
Each level sports well matched to the game's atmosphere tunes, while the sound effects are solid sampled gun-shots and explosion noises fulfilling their purpose, but doing little to enhance the game.
  • Mysterious Worlds
  • Mysterious Worlds
  • Mysterious Worlds
  • Mysterious Worlds
  • Mysterious Worlds
  • Mysterious Worlds
  • Mysterious Worlds
  • Mysterious Worlds
  • Mysterious Worlds
Gameplay sample
Comparable platforms
Commodore Amiga OCS/ECS
Hardware information

Amiga 500/500+

Amiga 500/500+CPU: Motorola MC68000 7.16 MHz
MEMORY: 512KB of Chip RAM (OCS chipset - A500), 512 KB of Slow RAM or Trapdoor RAM can be added via the trapdoor expansion, up to 8 MB of Fast RAM or a Hard drive can be added via the side expansion slot. The ECS chipset (A500+) offered 1MB on board to 2MB (extended) of Chip RAM.
GRAPHICS: The OCS chipset (Amiga 500) features planar graphics (codename Denise custom chip), with up to 5 bit-planes (4 in hires), allowing 2, 4, 8, 16 and 32 color screens, from a 12bit RGB palette of 4096 colors. Resolutions varied from 320x256 (PAL, non-interlaced, up to 4096 colors) to 640x512 (interlace, up to 4 colors). Two special graphics modes where also included: Extra Half Bright with 64 colors and HAM with all 4096 colors on-screen. The ECS chipset models (Amiga 500+) offered same features but also extra high resolution screens up to 1280x512 pixels (4 colors at once).
SOUND: (Paula) 4 hardware-mixed channels of 8-bit sound at up to 28 kHz. The hardware channels had independent volumes (65 levels) and sampling rates, and mixed down to two fully left and fully right stereo outputs
The Amiga 500/500+ (default) color palette
12bit RGB 4096-colors palette
(32 to 4096 colors on screen)
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