Amstrad CPC Plus games list! 
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Best on 8bit micro!
International Karate + - Commodore64
Xyphoes Fantasy - AmstradCPC
Arkanoid II - AmstradCPC
Pang - AmstradCPCPlus
Wrath of the Demon - Commodore64
Night Hunter - AmstradCPC
Barbarian - AmstradCPC
Prince of Persia - SamCoupe
Lemmings - SamCoupe
Best on 16bit micro!
Turrican II - Amiga
Shadow of the Beast - Amiga
Jim Power - Amiga
Agony - Amiga
Turrican 2 - AtariST
Project X - Amiga
Super Frog - Amiga
Flashback - Amiga
Dark Seed - Amiga
Flashback - Archimedes
Warlocks - Archimedes
Cannon Fodder - Amiga
Turrican II - PC
Universe - Amiga
Hurrican - PC
Tyrian - PC
Super Stardust - AmigaAGA
Pac-Mania - X68000
Best on 8bit consoles!
Best on 16bit consoles!
Jim Power - snes
Donkey Kong Country - snes
Aladdin - snes
Comix Zone - Megadrive
Alien Soldier - Megadrive
Blazing Lazers - pcengine
Raiden - pcengine
Super Star Soldier - pcengine
Best on 32bit consoles!
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Game info


GenreArcade Platform
DeveloperMitchell Corp.
PublisherOcean Software
Reviewed byndial
Pang (aka Buster Bros) is an arcade platform game initially developed for the coin-op machines. It consists of 50 different levels in which you must smash the balloons that bounce around the level. Pang was developed by Mitchell Corp and published by Ocean. In 1990 the game was converted to the Atari ST, Amiga, Amstrad CPC, Amstrad CPC Plus, Spectrum ZX and Commodore 64 home computers.
Pang is an arcade platform game that takes you (a young boy) across the world, with a main cause to shoot down bubbles that bounce around the screen. Only when all the bubbles are destroyed you may proceed to the next stage. Your main weapon is a projectile gun that shoots wires (!) that spike the bubbles and can be upgraded through a variety of bonuses! There is also a laser gun (as extra bonus) with which you can shoot the "evil" bubbles from a distance. Other bonuses include a time-freeze clock, a brief shield field, a double-shot wire and more. You can move on the horizontal platforms and go up or down any available ladder that may be nearby. Apart from the bubbles there are additionally some nice little living things like owls or lobsters that occasionally pass across the screen and must be shot as well. Upon spiking them, the large bubbles turn into smaller ones, swarming the screen like mad. The gameplay is awesome and addictive, especially when the game is played in a 2-players mode. Note also that the game is set against a time limit and, as you progress, this time limit decreases! There are 50 levels in total that feature famous sceneries (monuments) from different countries, like the Athens' Acropolis, the Statue of Liberty, Mount Kilimanjaro, Taj Mahal and more. Overall, Pang is among the best coin-op conversions ever made for a number of retro home gaming systems and surely a game that needs some skills since you'll die instantly when touched by a bubble!

The graphics on the Amstrad CPC+ home computer and the GX4000 gaming console are in one word marvelous and very close in quality to the more advanced Amiga (but in lower resolution of course)! The animation of the bouncing balls and the sprites is smooth and the backgrounds are colorful with the most famous landmarks depicted on the background. The CPC+ version's sound is good, featuring the original introductory theme, and a variety of sound effects along with all the original in-game tunes!
  • Pang
  • Pang
  • Pang
  • Pang
  • Pang
  • Pang
  • Pang
  • Pang
Sound samples
Intro music:  In-game sound:
Gameplay sample
Comparable platforms
Amstrad CPC Plus
Commodore C64
Sinclair ZX Spectrum
Hardware information

Amstrad CPC+

Amstrad CPC+CPU: ZiLOG Z80 processor clocked at 4 MHz
MEMORY: 464 CPC+ 64Kb RAM, 6128 CPC+ 128Kb RAM, 32 kb ROM
GRAPHICS: 12bit RGB color palette (4096 colors) supporting 32 colors on screen (16 + 15 for sprites + 1 border). Up to 16 hardware sprites. Splitting the display into separate modes and pixel scrolling both became fully supported hardware features.
SOUND: AY-3-8912 chip, 3-channel stereo, DMA for high-quality samples (with minimal processor overhead).
The Amstrad CPC+ (default) color palette
12bit RGB 4096-colors palette (32 on screen)
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