Apple IIGS games list! 
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Best on 8bit micro!
International Karate + - Commodore64
Xyphoes Fantasy - AmstradCPC
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Wrath of the Demon - Commodore64
Night Hunter - AmstradCPC
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Best on 16bit micro!
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Shadow of the Beast - Amiga
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Project X - Amiga
Super Frog - Amiga
Flashback - Amiga
Dark Seed - Amiga
Flashback - Archimedes
Warlocks - Archimedes
Cannon Fodder - Amiga
Turrican II - PC
Universe - Amiga
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Pac-Mania - X68000
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Best on 16bit consoles!
Jim Power - snes
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Comix Zone - Megadrive
Alien Soldier - Megadrive
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Raiden - pcengine
Super Star Soldier - pcengine
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Game info


DeveloperMiami Software Ltd
PublisherMiami Software Ltd
Reviewed byndial
Sensei is a classic fighting (karate) game released released exclusively for the Apple IIGS computers. The game has nice visuals and (especially) great sound. Though Sensei resembles quite a lot the famous System 3's International Karate series, I must admit that the developers (Phil Rivipellio, Walt Scapela & Neil Pulcadesso) made a pretty cool fighting game for the Apple's 16bit machine!
Two karate fighters are sweating and bleeding on the dojo to proceed in gaining belts and higher ranks. Sensei is a classic martial arts fighting game in which you compete in a series of one-on-one karate matches. The characters can perform up to 10 different movements including jumping kick, roundhouse kick and a variety of high and low punches and kicks. To control each player you can either use a joystick or the keyboard. Typically, in each fight you must bring the opponent's health bar to zero before your own health runs out whilst there is a timer that if it goes to zero the fighter with the higher health bar will be the winner. The opponent's difficulty level gets higher as you progress to the next stages. Also, between fights you engage in a bonus game in which you break a surface made of several bricks. Press the fire button as fast as possible to break as many as possible bricks and gain extra points. Sensei is surely fun, much like the International Karate game series by System 3. The game's controls are pretty smooth and responsive and the difficulty level's increase is quite fair.

Sensei's graphics look great and colorful with some oriental style backdrops. Note that each screen has 60 to 100 colors and the characters' animation is smooth. But what is really impressive here is the sound that has a great example of stereo music particularly on the intro scene where it plays drums alternating speakers! There are also several sampled sound effects along with some high quality speech during gameplay!
  • Sensei
  • Sensei
  • Sensei
  • Sensei
  • Sensei
  • Sensei
  • Sensei
  • Sensei
  • Sensei
Intro/Menu music:  In-game music sample:
Gameplay sample
Hardware information

Apple IIGS

Apple IIGSCPU: 16bit WDC 65C816 running at 2.8 MHz
MEMORY: 256 KB to 1MB RAM built-in, expandable to 8MB, 128 to 256 KB ROM built-in.
GRAPHICS: 12bit RGB palette (4096 colours) supporting 320x200 with 16, 256 colors, 640x200 with 2, 64 colors
SOUND: Ensoniq 5503 Digital Oscillator Chip, 8-bit audio resolution, 64 kB dedicated sound RAM, 32 separate channel (software paired them into 16 stereo voices)
The Apple IIGS (default) color palette
12bit RGB 4096-colours palette (16 on screen and up to 256)
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