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Teenage Queen

Teenage Queen
DeveloperEre Informatique
Reviewed byndial
Teenage Queen is one of the best early strip poker games ever developed for the Amiga, Atari ST, Amstrad CPC and DOS. There is also an Apple IIGS version that was never officially released.
The game's story is quite short. Besides, this is a strip poker game. So you play strip poker with a beautiful and very hot French female roller-skater you met in a park! Your purpose is to play a poker game, earn all the money bet and finally make the the girl strip off her clothes for some more money. The game ends either with your loss or with the girl left broke and totally naked. So it's understandable that you may need some poker skills and knowledge regarding the cards and their winning combinations (like the Straight Flush for instance).

The graphics on the Atari ST are beautiful airbrush renderings that have been scanned and retouched, ending up in some incredible 16-color artwork. The final visuals had to be reduced to 16 colors and some screens suffered under the aforementioned "distortion". But overall, there is little difference with the Amiga, 32-colored counterpart. The game's sound is typical featuring only a few sampled effects and the hot voice of the girl. Most of the times, the game is almost soundless. But it's a poker game after all. Note that technically, the Atari STE version is exactly the same with the classic ST.

On our video below you may watch all 4 official versions of the game.
The Atari ST version is at 05:35.
  • Teenage Queen
  • Teenage Queen
  • Teenage Queen
  • Teenage Queen
  • Teenage Queen
  • Teenage Queen
  • Teenage Queen
  • Teenage Queen
Gameplay sample
Comparable platforms
Commodore Amiga OCS/ECS
Atari ST
Hardware information

Atari ST

Atari STCPU: Motorola 68000 16/32bit at 8mhz. 16 bit data bus/32 bit internal/24-bit address bus.
MEMORY: RAM 512KB (1MB for the 1040ST models) / ROM 192KB
GRAPHICS: Digital-to-Analog Converter of 3-bits, eight levels per RGB channel, featuring a 9-bit RGB palette (512 colors), 320x200 (16 color), 640x200 (4 color), 640x400 (monochrome). With special programming techniques could display 512 colors on screen in static images.
SOUND: Yamaha YM2149F PSG "Programmable Sound Generator" chip provided 3-voice sound synthesis, plus 1-voice white noise mono PSG. It also has two MIDI ports, and support mixed YM2149 sfx and MIDI music in gaming (there are several games supported this).
The Atari ST (default) color palette
9-bit RGB 512-color palette
(16 on-screen and up to 512 in static image)
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