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Metroid Fusion

Metroid Fusion
GenreAction Platform
Reviewed byndial
Metroid Fusion (aka Metroid 4) is an action platform game that stands out as one of the absolute best games ever developed for the Game Boy Advance!
Metroid FusionSTORY / GAMEPLAY
Chronologically, Metroid Fusion's story takes place last on the fictional Metroid universe. It centers around bounty hunter Samus Aran! Samus is summoned by the Galactic Federation and sent to the Biologic Space Laboratories space station to investigate an explosion incidence. Upon arrival she finds out that the station is swarmed by X Parasites, virus infected lifeforms that can replicate their host's physical appearance and memories and killing them in the process. Discovering that the Galactic Federation plans to capture those lifeforms for further studies, Samus must destroy the space station to protect the entire Federation from the underestimated destructive power of the X Parasite menace. Like in previous games of the series, Metroid Fusion is set in a large setting with elevators that connect regions that are divided into rooms separated by doors. Samus opens most of the doors by shooting them, while some can only be opened after she reaches a certain point.

The game is technically appealing with colorful and detailed backgrounds. The design reminds me the atmosphere of the Alien 2 blockbuster! I was also amazed by Samus's smooth and multi-frames animation! Also, the introductory sequence is great to watch. The game's sound features a few sampled sound effects and music themes that almost resemble the Alien movies!
  • Metroid Fusion
  • Metroid Fusion
  • Metroid Fusion
  • Metroid Fusion
  • Metroid Fusion
  • Metroid Fusion
  • Metroid Fusion
  • Metroid Fusion
  • Metroid Fusion
Gameplay sample
Hardware information

GameBoy Advance

GameBoy AdvanceCPU: ARM7TDMI at 16.78MHz , Z80 co-processor at 4-8MHz for Gameboy emulation
GRAPHICS: Custom 2D GPU, 15-bit RGB palette at 240x160 pixels max resolution
SOUND: Dual 8-bit DAC for stereo sound, supports multiple wave samples processed/mixed in software by the CPU
The GameBoy Advance (default) color palette
15bit RGB 32,768-color palette (512 to 32,768 on-screen colors in "character" or bitmap mode)
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