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Best on 16bit micro!
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Dark Seed - Amiga
Flashback - Archimedes
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Game info


GenreArcade Platform
DeveloperUbi Soft
PublisherUbi Soft
Reviewed byndial
Rayman is one of the best 2D side-scrolling platformers featuring detailed graphics, rich color palette, great sound and superb gameplay!
In a world of peace and harmony one fateful day the mysterious Mr. Dark steals the Great Protoon and the world is thrown into chaos. The Electoons that spin around the Protoon are scattered all across the land. Soon evil creatures capture the Electoons and imprison them in cages. Can Rayman free the Electoons and rescue the Great Protoon from the evil Mr. Dark? Rayman has all sorts of moves like climb and jump. He can also swing from flying hoops, and fly like a helicopter. His basic attack is a punch, and needs to use all of his powers to find the Electoons that are scattered throughout the levels. The levels are very long, and one slight wrong jump and you're all the way back to the beginning of the level but hey, you can save your game in progress! The game is also available on Game Boy Advance, Game Boy Color, Nintendo DSi, PlayStation, PlayStation 3, PSP, SEGA Saturn and PC.

The visuals are truly stunning. It's the first title to utilize the entire Jaguar's 65,000 color palette on-screen. The hand-drawn sprites are highly detailed and the characters move with incredible fluidity. The game also features lots of layers of parallax scrolling! The sounds don't quite measure up to the graphical quality of the game, but it's still good featuring crystal clear sound effects (if Jaguar system might had more storage space available, the game would also include the awesome Playstation's tunes). Nevertheless, the Jaguar's version music is appropriate to the game.
  • Rayman
  • Rayman
  • Rayman
  • Rayman
  • Rayman
  • Rayman
Gameplay sample
Hardware information


JaguarCPU: The main processor is called "Jaguar" and it is based on a RISC 3000 MIPS. Co-Processor: MC68000 at 13,3MHz used as a general purpose control processor.
MEMORY: 2Mb (64bit bus usinf 4x16bit fast page mode DRAMS
GRAPHICS: GPU is called Tom at 26,59MHz, 32bit RISC architecture, 4Kb int. cache. Object Processor: 64bit RISC architecture (could do a variety of graphic architectures). Blitter: 64bit RISC architecture managing high speed logic ops, z-buffering, Gouraud Shading (64bit int.registers). DRAM Controller, 32bit memory management.
SOUND: Sound chip is called Jerry. DSP 32bit RISC acrhitecture with 8Kb int.cache. It has CD quality sound while the number of channels used depends on the software. Two DAC (stereo) convert digital data to analog sound signals. Full stereo.
The Jaguar (default) color palette
24bit RGB 16,7 million-color palette (16,7M on screen)
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