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Batman Returns

Batman Returns
GenreBeat em Up
Reviewed byndial
Batman Returns is a great 2D side-scrolling action game that shows some of the best Atari Lynx graphics. The game is known for being notoriously difficult.
Batman ReturnsSTORY / GAMEPLAY
Closely following the movie's plot, Batman Returns makes you the defender of Gotham City as you run, jump, and fight through four side-scrolling levels. Your enemies are a motley crew of thugs, police force and penguins (!) while you fight back with Batarangs, acid vials and your bare fists. The game is very difficult to play! We hardly managed to finish the first level! The gameplay becomes rather repetitive after a while. As Batman, you jump here and there in each stage and get the job done until you reach the final stage boss!

Well, the graphics are great, with nicely drawn backgrounds - though they get quite dull after a while- and a bit repetitive too. Such backgrounds have been done before in countless other games in any system since to dawn of the side action scrolling games. Even the later levels are just as uninteresting as the first. Also the sprite animation lacks some frames. The game's sound, though, is good with in-game music themes and a few basic sound effects.
  • Batman Returns
  • Batman Returns
  • Batman Returns
  • Batman Returns
  • Batman Returns
  • Batman Returns
  • Batman Returns
  • Batman Returns
  • Batman Returns
Gameplay sample
Hardware information

Atari Lynx

Atari LynxCPU: 8-bit CPU, 16-bit address space MOS Technology 6502 at 3.6MHz
GRAPHICS: Suzy (16-bit custom CMOS chip running at 16 MHz) supporting hardware drawing, unlimited number of high-speed sprites with collision detection, hardware high-speed sprite scaling, distortion, and tilting effects, hardware decoding of compressed sprite data, hardware clipping and multi-directional scrolling and variable frame rate (up to 75 frames/second).
Note that it offers a 160x102 standard resolution in a LCD Screen of 3.5" diagonal, 4096 color (12-bit) palette and 16 simultaneous on-screen (more than 16 colors can be displayed by changing palettes after each scan line)
SOUND: 4 channel stereo sound (Lynx II otherwise mono), 8-bit DAC for each channel. Capable of generating clear digitized sounds and harmonized music.
The Atari Lynx (default) color palette
12bit RGB 4096-colours palette (16 on screen)
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