SEGA Master System games list! 
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Best on 8bit micro!
International Karate + - Commodore64
Xyphoes Fantasy - AmstradCPC
Arkanoid II - AmstradCPC
Pang - AmstradCPCPlus
Wrath of the Demon - Commodore64
Night Hunter - AmstradCPC
Barbarian - AmstradCPC
Prince of Persia - SamCoupe
Lemmings - SamCoupe
Best on 16bit micro!
Turrican II - Amiga
Shadow of the Beast - Amiga
Jim Power - Amiga
Agony - Amiga
Turrican 2 - AtariST
Project X - Amiga
Super Frog - Amiga
Flashback - Amiga
Dark Seed - Amiga
Flashback - Archimedes
Warlocks - Archimedes
Cannon Fodder - Amiga
Turrican II - PC
Universe - Amiga
Hurrican - PC
Tyrian - PC
Super Stardust - AmigaAGA
Pac-Mania - X68000
Slam Tilt - AmigaAGA
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Jim Power - snes
Donkey Kong Country - snes
Aladdin - snes
Comix Zone - Megadrive
Alien Soldier - Megadrive
Blazing Lazers - pcengine
Raiden - pcengine
Super Star Soldier - pcengine
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Power Strike

Power Strike
GenreVertical-scrolling Shooter
Reviewed byndial
Remember Aleste? One of the best shooters released on MSX computers in Japan? Well Power Strike is the same game released in 1988 for the Master System in America and Europe.
Your planet is overrun by the meanest mutant vegetation ever created on a laboratory. This vicious being has taken over buildings, labs, fighter crafts or even people and every minute it's getting bigger and meaner! But it didn't take you over yet. Now you're setting yourself up on a mission to deliver a powerful strike! You have a special attacking ship with the capability to fire weapons you free from the ground; up to 8 different weapons can be found (including your default lasers) but all of them have limited ammo. Your ammunition will run out unless you collect another power up of the same kind. Those power ups will also take the strength of your selected weapon up to a greater level. The enemy ships attack in hordes, firing various projectiles and flying towards you. The difficulty here is particularly high but this doesn't diminish any of the addiction it causes. Known in Japan as Aleste, Power Strike, was released in America as a mail-only limited edition game.

Level 1 aside, I was pretty amazed by the game's graphics (especially the backgrounds) and the smooth sprites animation! The screen scrolling is as fluid as water making the game very enjoyable to the eye! Those great graphics seem to excel the hard difficulty and the somewhat "loose" controls! The sound features a few nicely composed tunes along with typical Sci-Fi shoot 'em up sound effects (explosions, laser-fire and more).
  • Power Strike
  • Power Strike
  • Power Strike
  • Power Strike
  • Power Strike
Gameplay sample
Hardware information

Sega Master System

Sega Master SystemCPU: 8-bit Zilog Z80A at 3.546893 MHz for PAL/SECAM, 3.579545 MHz for NTSC
MEMORY: Boot ROM: 64 kbit (8 KB) to 2048 kbit (256 KB)
Main RAM: 64 kbit (8 KB), can be supplemented by game cartridges
Video RAM: 128 kbit (16 KB)
GRAPHICS: Texas Instruments TMS9918A
Up to 32 colors on screen (one 16-color palette for sprites or background, an additional 16-color palette for background only) from a palette of 64 (can also show 64 simultaneous colors using programming tricks)
Screen resolutions 256x192 and 256x224. PAL/SECAM also supports 256x240
8x8 pixel characters, max 463 (due to VRAM space limitation)
8x8 or 8×16 pixel sprites, max 64
Horizontal, vertical, and partial screen scrolling
SOUND: Texas Instruments SN76489, 4 Texas Instruments SN76489, 4 channel mono sound
Yamaha YM2413, mono FM synthesis
The Sega Master System (default) color palette
6bit RGB 64-color palette (32 on-screen)
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