PC MS-DOS games list! 
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Best on 8bit micro!
International Karate + - Commodore64
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Wrath of the Demon - Commodore64
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Best on 16bit micro!
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Shadow of the Beast - Amiga
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Turrican 2 - AtariST
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Super Frog - Amiga
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Flashback - Archimedes
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Alien Soldier - Megadrive
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Game info


GenreArcade Platform
Reviewed byndial
Nebulus is a computer game with some distinctive unique features in its scenario. The game was published by Hewson in late 80s for Spectrum ZX, Amstrad CPC, Commodore 64, Commodore Amiga, Atari ST, Acorn Archimedes and DOS computers.
Nebulus is a platform game with some distinctively unique features. Your character, a small frog-like, green creature called Pogo, is on a mission to destroy eight towers that were built onto the sea surface.

As Pogo, you are spawned via a submarine and have to climb from the bottom finding your to the top of each tower. During gameplay, Pogo always remains at the centre of the screen with horizontal movements causing the screen to scroll in a "three-dimensional" circular motion, thus turning the tower around. The towers are cylinder shaped and have ledges on their outside, either horizontal forming stairs or connected via elevators. Along your way there are several enemies (Aliens) flying or jumping around (mostly bouncing balls) and upon collision they will instantly send you at a lower ground or directly into the sea. It must be pointed that there are a few platforms that cannot bear your weight so they easily break and Pogo falls all the way down. There is a bonus underwater game featured in-between the levels, which is a nice horizontal scroller shooting fish and collecting bonus. OK, although the gameplay is quite interesting (and unique), Nebulus is among the most difficult games to play so I think that the 3 lives given are way too short to survive on a time-limited quest!

The DOS (PC) version is running only on EGA graphics mode (limited to only 16 colors) and has nicely animated sprites. Soundwise, the DOS version features a nice main-menu tune as well as a few pleasing sound effects but only via the PC speaker as the game is old enough to support AdLib or SoundBlaster sound hardware.
  • Nebulus
  • Nebulus
  • Nebulus
  • Nebulus
  • Nebulus
  • Nebulus
Gameplay sample
Comparable platforms

27 colors
Acorn Archimedes

50 colors
Atari ST

14 colors

58 colors
Commodore Amiga OCS/ECS
Hardware information

PC (ms-dos based)

PC (ms-dos based)CPU: Various processors from Intel,AMD, Cyrix, varying from 4.77Mhz (Intel 8088) to 200Mhz (Pentium MMX) and up to 1995 (available on this site)
MEMORY: 640Kb to 32MB RAM (typical up to 1996)
GRAPHICS: VGA standard palette has 256 colors and supports: 640x480 (16 colors or monochrome), 640x350 in 16 colors (EGA compatability mode), 320x200 (16 or 256 colors). Later models (SVGA) featured 18bit color palette (262,144-color) or 24bit (16Milion colors), various graphics chips supporting hardware acceleration mainly for 3D-based graphics routines.
SOUND: 8 to 16 bit sound cards: Ad-Lib featuring Yamaha YMF262 supporting FM synthesis and (OPL3) and 12-bit digital PCM stereo, Sound Blaster and compatibles supporting Dynamic Wavetable Synthesis, 16-bit CD-quality digital audio sampling, internal memory up to 4MB audio channels varying from 8 to 64! etc. Other notable sound hardware is the release of Gravis Ultrasound with outstanding features!
The PC (ms-dos based) (default) color palette
CGA: 16-color palette (4 on-screen)
EGA: 64-color palette (16 on-screen)
VGA: 256-color palette (256 on-screen)
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