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International Karate + - Commodore64
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Stunt Car Racer

Stunt Car Racer
GenreRacing Sim
Reviewed byP.Dial
Stunt Car Racer is a quite unique racer developed by MicroStyle for the Commodore Amiga, Atari ST/E, PC (MS-DOS), Amstrad CPC, Commodore C64/128 and Sinclair ZX Spectrum home computers.
The action takes place on a raised roller-coaster style track with ramps and jumps, highly banked curves and other cool obstacles! This makes controlling the vehicle extremely tricky and you may occasionally find yourself whizzing off the course! This means that you either lose valuable time while waiting to get back on track or damage your precious four-wheel-driver. On a circuit you will race against a second vehicle that lines up next to you you on the grid line. The main goal is to beat your opponent within 3-laps. The Amiga and ST versions support local LAN gameplay in which two computers can link-up via their serial ports. Of note is that the two player mode is truly awesome!

Ok, the visuals look nice but not fancy. Each track is drawn by 3D objects such as tracks and cars (the Amiga and ST versions have just a little more detail at the backgrounds, like some vector mountains). The only detail presented in 2D is your vehicle's dashboard and the engine. This way, the programmers managed to successfully creat an intense speed feeling. Each track undulates realistically and is done in pure 3D graphics without the need of too much detail. The MS DOS version runs on EGA mode only but the speed is faster and smoother compared to its ST and Amiga counterparts. The game's sound is quite limited with some basic sound effects like the engine and the crashing sound!
  • Stunt Car Racer
  • Stunt Car Racer
  • Stunt Car Racer
  • Stunt Car Racer
  • Stunt Car Racer
  • Stunt Car Racer
  • Stunt Car Racer
  • Stunt Car Racer
  • Stunt Car Racer
Gameplay sample
Comparable platforms
Commodore Amiga OCS/ECS
Atari ST
Hardware information

PC (ms-dos based)

PC (ms-dos based)CPU: Various processors from Intel,AMD, Cyrix, varying from 4.77Mhz (Intel 8088) to 200Mhz (Pentium MMX) and up to 1995 (available on this site)
MEMORY: 640Kb to 32MB RAM (typical up to 1996)
GRAPHICS: VGA standard palette has 256 colors and supports: 640x480 (16 colors or monochrome), 640x350 in 16 colors (EGA compatability mode), 320x200 (16 or 256 colors). Later models (SVGA) featured 18bit color palette (262,144-color) or 24bit (16Milion colors), various graphics chips supporting hardware acceleration mainly for 3D-based graphics routines.
SOUND: 8 to 16 bit sound cards: Ad-Lib featuring Yamaha YMF262 supporting FM synthesis and (OPL3) and 12-bit digital PCM stereo, Sound Blaster and compatibles supporting Dynamic Wavetable Synthesis, 16-bit CD-quality digital audio sampling, internal memory up to 4MB audio channels varying from 8 to 64! etc. Other notable sound hardware is the release of Gravis Ultrasound with outstanding features!
The PC (ms-dos based) (default) color palette
CGA: 16-color palette (4 on-screen)
EGA: 64-color palette (16 on-screen)
VGA: 256-color palette (256 on-screen)
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