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Batman The Movie

Batman The Movie
GenreAction Adventure
DeveloperOcean Software
PublisherOcean Software
Reviewed byndial
Batman (The Movie) is a multi-scrolling platform arcade game released by Ocean and severely based on the 1989 film of the same name. It was released in 1989 for the Amiga, Atari ST, PC (MS-DOS), Amstrad CPC, Amstrad CPC+, Commodore 64, ZX Spectrum.
Batman The MovieSTORY / GAMEPLAY
Batman must save Gotham City from a deformed lunatic called “The Joker”. There are five levels in total and the game starts at the Axis Chemicals, where Mr. Jack Napier transforms into the monster we know after being thrown into acid. The first level includes all sorts of toxic substances leaking from pipes and dangerous gasses extruding into the air. This level follows the classic platform style of gameplay. The Joker's men are everywhere and Batman must kill or them. He can use his bat-rope to climb into higher platforms or swing over gaps and his batarags to take down the enemies (who will shoot and drop bombs at him in frenzy). After defeating Napier, you must jump into your Bat-mobile; and then, the real thrill begins! The goal at this point is to chase the Joker's van speeding through the streets of Gotham City. You need to avoid all the other cars but you also have to turn your vehicle in time, at breakneck speeds, by shooting a grappling hook to grab any nearby lamp post. You only have three successful shoots and, if you miss, you’ll end up in front of a police blockade). It seems that the developers have actually given their most attention to this part of the game, at least on the Amiga and ST versions. This stage plays like an ordinary -high quality- racing game. The next stage is the Bat-cave, where you have to select three different increments of the lethal Smilex toxic gas, guessing the correct combination (this is done by the simple elimination method) so you can hand over its formula to the authorities. On the next level, you pilot your Batwing (your aircraft) and you fly rather low, over the city’s carnival festivals, taking out the balloons filled with Smilex that Joker is planning to use and take over Gotham City. The final stage of the game is the Cathedral, a platform stage that plays the same way as the Chemical Axis. In the Cathedral you must eliminate the enemies and finally confront your greatest opponent…The Joker!

The PC (MS-DOS) version runs on CGA, Tandy, EGA and VGA graphics modes. When running on VGA mode, the game’s graphics use only 16 colors on screen (!) and they look quite inferior in colors compared to the Amiga and ST versions (that use around 27-28 colors). If you own a 386 or 486 old-school PC, the game runs pretty ok though the framerate is low. Unfortunately, this makes the game even harder to play. The actual screenshots below are in VGA, EGA and CGA modes. The greatest difference among the three 16 bit versions is the sound. The Amiga OCS/ECS version sports digitized sound effects along with great in-game music, the ST version offers either a nice 3-channel music theme or some basic effects, while the PC (MS-DOS) version is poor and limited to its speaker “beeping”.
  • Batman The Movie
  • Batman The Movie
  • Batman The Movie
  • Batman The Movie
  • Batman The Movie
  • Batman The Movie
  • Batman The Movie
  • Batman The Movie
  • Batman The Movie
  • Batman The Movie
  • Batman The Movie
  • Batman The Movie
Gameplay sample
Comparable platforms

28 colors
Commodore Amiga OCS/ECS

27 colors
Atari ST

16 colors
Hardware information

PC (ms-dos based)

PC (ms-dos based)CPU: Various processors from Intel,AMD, Cyrix, varying from 4.77Mhz (Intel 8088) to 200Mhz (Pentium MMX) and up to 1995 (available on this site)
MEMORY: 640Kb to 32MB RAM (typical up to 1996)
GRAPHICS: VGA standard palette has 256 colors and supports: 640x480 (16 colors or monochrome), 640x350 in 16 colors (EGA compatability mode), 320x200 (16 or 256 colors). Later models (SVGA) featured 18bit color palette (262,144-color) or 24bit (16Milion colors), various graphics chips supporting hardware acceleration mainly for 3D-based graphics routines.
SOUND: 8 to 16 bit sound cards: Ad-Lib featuring Yamaha YMF262 supporting FM synthesis and (OPL3) and 12-bit digital PCM stereo, Sound Blaster and compatibles supporting Dynamic Wavetable Synthesis, 16-bit CD-quality digital audio sampling, internal memory up to 4MB audio channels varying from 8 to 64! etc. Other notable sound hardware is the release of Gravis Ultrasound with outstanding features!
The PC (ms-dos based) (default) color palette
CGA: 16-color palette (4 on-screen)
EGA: 64-color palette (16 on-screen)
VGA: 256-color palette (256 on-screen)
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