MGT Sam Coupe games list! 
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Best on 8bit micro!
International Karate + - Commodore64
Xyphoes Fantasy - AmstradCPC
Arkanoid II - AmstradCPC
Pang - AmstradCPCPlus
Wrath of the Demon - Commodore64
Night Hunter - AmstradCPC
Barbarian - AmstradCPC
Prince of Persia - SamCoupe
Lemmings - SamCoupe
Best on 16bit micro!
Turrican II - Amiga
Shadow of the Beast - Amiga
Jim Power - Amiga
Agony - Amiga
Turrican 2 - AtariST
Project X - Amiga
Super Frog - Amiga
Flashback - Amiga
Dark Seed - Amiga
Flashback - Archimedes
Warlocks - Archimedes
Cannon Fodder - Amiga
Turrican II - PC
Universe - Amiga
Hurrican - PC
Tyrian - PC
Super Stardust - AmigaAGA
Pac-Mania - X68000
Slam Tilt - AmigaAGA
Best on 8bit consoles!
Best on 16bit consoles!
Jim Power - snes
Donkey Kong Country - snes
Aladdin - snes
Comix Zone - Megadrive
Alien Soldier - Megadrive
Blazing Lazers - pcengine
Raiden - pcengine
Super Star Soldier - pcengine
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Game info


GenreAction Puzzle
DeveloperDMA Design
Reviewed byndial
Lemmings is one of the best puzzle computer games ever developed and is considered as one of the most widely-ported video games of all time. Lemmings was initially released for the Amiga computers and later ported to the Atari ST, PC (DOS), Apple Mac and almost all major home machines!
The popularity of the original version (Amiga) of the game, led to immediate ports to many other platforms: Panasonic 3DO, Acorn Archimedes, Amstrad CPC, Apple IIGS, Macintosh, Atari Lynx, Atari ST, Commodore 64, Amiga CD32 Amiga CDTV, MS-DOS, Nintendo NES, SNES, Game Boy, Game Boy Color, MGT SAM Coupe, Sega Game Gear, Sega Master System, Sega Mega Drive (Genesis), Sinclair ZX Spectrum!

The game is divided into a number of levels featuring both destructible landscape elements such as rocks and indestructible sections such as steel plates. There are also numerous obstacles including gaps, high walls, pools of water or lava spots and several traps. Each level includes one or more entrance points and one or more exit points. The goal is to guide a certain percentage of the little blue-shirted Lemmings, from the entrance to the exit, by clearing or creating a safe passage through the landscape. Each lemming will walk in one direction ignoring any other lemming in its way unless assigned to a special task (available in the bar at the bottom section of the screen) to help making a path to the desired destination. Those tasks mainly involve: Climbing, Blocking, Manufacturing, Punching, Digging, Mining and the most impressive: Blasting! Those skills are available based on the level design (not all of them are always available). Note that, the little green-haired Lemmings will die if they fall from too high, into water or lava, off the map, or get caught in a trap; they also die after being assigned to perform the blasting/bomber skill.
The control system is great and entrusted to the mouse that proves, as always, perfect for this type of games. Just for the record, note that the video game console version supports only the gamepad which makes it frustrating enough but overall, Lemmings is an excellent puzzle game that will keep you interested for many hours!

Sam Coupe is known for its advanced graphics and sound hardware at the time of its release. This port is not an exception and Lemmings is a game that could easily show its advance 8bit hardware capabilities. The graphics are very good, almost identical to the original 16bit Amiga and Atari ST versions. OK, this game was never supposed to have excellent graphics, but the Sam Coupe version is very impressive. The graphics, although they are top quality, work very well and are more than adequate. They are small but detailed and definitely up to the usual Psygnosis standards. In particular, the sprites' animation is top notch on the MGT! The sound is good too, featuring all the original in-game tunes, but failing to perform the sampled sound effects of the Amiga.
  • Lemmings
  • Lemmings
  • Lemmings
  • Lemmings
  • Lemmings
  • Lemmings
Sound samples
Intro music:  In-game sound:
Gameplay sample
Comparable platforms
MGT Sam Coupe
Amstrad CPC
Sinclair ZX Spectrum
Commodore C64
Hardware information

Sam Coupe

Sam CoupeCPU: ZiLOG Z80B @ 6 MHz
MEMORY: 32 KB ROM, 256KB or 512KB RAM (up to 4.5MB externally added in 1MB packs)
GRAPHICS: Palette of 128 colours. Supports 256x192 (16 colours), 512x192 (4 colours), 256x192 (2 colours) and Mode 1 at 256x192 matching the display and colors of the ZX Spectrum. Was possible to display all 128 colors on screen in static images.
SOUND: Six channel, 8 octave stereo sound by Philips SAA 1099 chip.
The Sam Coupe (default) color palette
RGB 128-colours palette (16 on screen)
comment on 2010-04-16 14:15:34
WonderboyJoin Date: 2009-09-12
Looks pretty much the Amiga version! I've seen a few videos on youtube. its awesome on the Sam Coupe, never played it on this system.
comment on 2010-04-16 14:16:31
WonderboyJoin Date: 2009-09-12
comment on 2010-04-16 14:19:29
WonderboyJoin Date: 2009-09-12
Pretty good ot the Sam! similar to Amiga! I've seen videos on youtube, never played anything on a Sam Coupe system!
comment on 2010-04-25 19:37:05
FreddyJoin Date: 2009-09-07
Nice conversion from the 16bits! I think the Sam Coupe's hardware had the ability to display good graphics (and sound), although I would prefer the Amstrad CPC+ hardware... I wonder, why a CPC+ version of The Lemmmings never released?
comment on 2010-04-25 19:41:11
FreddyJoin Date: 2009-09-07
Hey have anyone listen to the Commodore's music of the game? It's awesome! Almost similar to the Amiga (well almost...)
comment on 2014-08-22 15:12:34
rogerjowettJoin Date: 2014-08-22 trying to persuade LCD to modify bmp2scr can anyone help? z80 coders and pc programmers wanted
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GET vars: Array ( [id] => SamCoupe [p] => games [gameid] => 95 [model] => MGT Sam Coupe )
POST vars: Array ( )
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