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Best on 8bit micro!
International Karate + - Commodore64
Xyphoes Fantasy - AmstradCPC
Arkanoid II - AmstradCPC
Pang - AmstradCPCPlus
Wrath of the Demon - Commodore64
Night Hunter - AmstradCPC
Barbarian - AmstradCPC
Prince of Persia - SamCoupe
Lemmings - SamCoupe
Best on 16bit micro!
Turrican II - Amiga
Shadow of the Beast - Amiga
Jim Power - Amiga
Agony - Amiga
Turrican 2 - AtariST
Project X - Amiga
Super Frog - Amiga
Flashback - Amiga
Dark Seed - Amiga
Flashback - Archimedes
Warlocks - Archimedes
Cannon Fodder - Amiga
Turrican II - PC
Universe - Amiga
Hurrican - PC
Tyrian - PC
Super Stardust - AmigaAGA
Pac-Mania - X68000
Slam Tilt - AmigaAGA
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Jim Power - snes
Donkey Kong Country - snes
Aladdin - snes
Comix Zone - Megadrive
Alien Soldier - Megadrive
Blazing Lazers - pcengine
Raiden - pcengine
Super Star Soldier - pcengine
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Game info


GenreSide-scrolling Shooter
Reviewed byP.Dial
G-Darius is a multi-scrolling arcade shoot 'em up, originally released for the coin op machines by Taito, in 1997. The game was converted to Playstation in 1998 by THQ.
Within the vastness of this great Universe, a fierce battle was fought resulting in the disappearance of a whole planet. This prompted various evolving life forms that have been under long hibernation to emerge one after another. Amnelia Royal Cosmic Force challenged these unknown intruders but unfortunately suffered a miserable defeat. However, they finally managed to complete a unique and sophisticated fighter craft, using the advanced and forbidden enemy power and technology; they named it "Silver Hawk". G-Darius is another game of Taito's awesome Darius series. The letter "G" stands for both "Gigantic" and "Genesis". It is one of the best arcade shoot 'em up games ever created for the Playstation and features either single or 2-players mode. Your mission is to fly through 5 different, underwater stages, shooting large numbers of enemies. You can also capture enemies by launching a weird ball-like weapon and use them as extra firepower against the hordes. To complete each level you are forced to battle against an enormous mother-ship, each having its own powers and weaknesses. Most of these ships are difficult to engage, so you may need some strategy to nail them.

The graphics are in one word fantastic, the perspective changes from 2D to pseudo-3D via a fascinating technique, hundreds of colors mix together to make each and every detail plain beautiful while the action is intense and crazy. The Playstation conversion is quite similar to the original (arcade) version. As for its sound, the game leaves the impression that you have a real arcade machine in your room. G-Darius is one of the games that took Playstation's hardware to its limits, hands down!
  • G-Darius
  • G-Darius
  • G-Darius
  • G-Darius
  • G-Darius
  • G-Darius
  • G-Darius
  • G-Darius
  • G-Darius
  • G-Darius
  • G-Darius
  • G-Darius
Gameplay sample
Hardware information

Playstation (PSOne)

Playstation (PSOne)CPU: MIPS R3000A-family R3051 @ 33.8688 MHz
MEMORY: 2MB of main RAM, 1MB Video RAM, 512KB Sound RAM
GRAPHICS: Handled by CPU, Maximum of 16.7 million colors (24-bit color depth), Resolutions from 256x224 to 640x480, Unlimited color lookup tables, Maximum of 4000 8x8 pixel sprites with individual scaling and rotation, # Flat or Gouraud shading, and texture mapping, Emulation of simultaneous backgrounds (for parallax scrolling)
SOUND: ADPCM sources with up to 24 channels and up to 44.1 kHz sampling rate
The Playstation (PSOne) (default) color palette
24bit RGB 16,7 million-color palette (all on screen)
comment on 2009-10-24 08:26:35
WonderboyJoin Date: 2009-09-12
nice but tough to play!
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