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Dino Crisis 2

Dino Crisis 2
GenreAction Adventure
Reviewed byP.Dial
Dino Crisis 2 is the second installment to the Dino Crisis survival horror saga, developed and published by Capcom for the Playstation console and the PC computers in 2000.
The story follows the ending of the first Dino Crisis. Scientists continued to make researches upon the Third Energy project causing -again- havoc and death to a small island and a nearby town. The Government decided to send a military team back in time (by using some kind of a Time Machine), to find out what went wrong and recover the secret data from the laboratories. But in the end, the whole team was mutilated by a number of dinosaurs wandering around the abandoned island and the only survivors left are the Special Agents Regina and Dylan. In this game, you can control either Regina or Dylan depending on the quest you have to accomplish. Both of them carry a variety of weapons and have different abilities. For example, Dylan is physically stronger and can move a heavy obstacle. During the game, your arsenal is always improving with machine guns, grenades, flame throwers etc, that you can use against every prehistoric monster. Sometimes you may need to solve puzzles (like in Resident Evil) in order to proceed with your survival and thus return back in your time. But you must be careful since there are many kinds of dinosaurs unleashed to this island as a result of the Project. You'll have to confront either smaller but agile animals like raptors or even the gigantic, powerful and deadly T-Rex. Apart from heavy weapons, strategy is of great importance in order to stay alive after being attacked. When attacked and bleeding you must take care of yourself and stop the blood loss otherwise you're dead. There are several health items to be used which can be purchased (along with other nice gadgets) from specific spots around the levels, by using the XP points you collect. The XP points are collected after killing the dinos! The gameplay is very close to the Resident Evil formula. Dino Crisis plays and looks like a Resident Evil with dinosaurs. And that's not bad at all since it's a fun and scary survival game!

The talented creators of the Resident Evil series have managed once more to astonish the crowds with the graphics they used on the Dino Crisis games. DC2 is plain art! It features pre-rendered backgrounds, almost life-like dinos and very well developed characters, explosions and fantastic animations. The sound effects and the in-game music are absolutely awesome and add a lot to the game's creepy atmosphere. Dino Crisis 2 is a game that can really leave you scared since this time you fight against some agile and bloodthirsty creatures instead of the fairly weak and slow-moving zombies we saw on the Resident Evil series.
  • Dino Crisis 2
  • Dino Crisis 2
  • Dino Crisis 2
  • Dino Crisis 2
  • Dino Crisis 2
  • Dino Crisis 2
Gameplay sample
Hardware information

Playstation (PSOne)

Playstation (PSOne)CPU: MIPS R3000A-family R3051 @ 33.8688 MHz
MEMORY: 2MB of main RAM, 1MB Video RAM, 512KB Sound RAM
GRAPHICS: Handled by CPU, Maximum of 16.7 million colors (24-bit color depth), Resolutions from 256x224 to 640x480, Unlimited color lookup tables, Maximum of 4000 8x8 pixel sprites with individual scaling and rotation, # Flat or Gouraud shading, and texture mapping, Emulation of simultaneous backgrounds (for parallax scrolling)
SOUND: ADPCM sources with up to 24 channels and up to 44.1 kHz sampling rate
The Playstation (PSOne) (default) color palette
24bit RGB 16,7 million-color palette (all on screen)
comment on 2010-04-26 13:24:43
FreddyJoin Date: 2009-09-07
Excellent game, impressive graphics and sound! One of the best games I've seen on Playstation! By the way, have you seen Dino Crisis 3 on XBOX?
comment on 2010-04-26 14:01:25
Atarian75Join Date: 2009-08-30
a great game this one! it scared the shit out of me! @Freddy: unfortunately my friend, No3 was a crap, with bad camera and a ...sci-fi feeling! I have it on my XBOX and it sucks!
comment on 2010-04-26 14:44:11
FreddyJoin Date: 2009-09-07
Well I liked no3 on XBOX. Problematic camera it is; but any game of this kind had similar problem
comment on 2010-06-01 21:23:13
WonderboyJoin Date: 2009-09-12
Dino Crisis 3 on XBOX, although good graphics, the rest of the game was a total crap! Auful story and gameplay. Dino Crisis 2 better by far!
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