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Hardware information |
| XBOXCPU: Intel custom Pentium III based @ 733MHz MEMORY: 64 Mb DDR SDRAM @ 200MHz, dual channel (6400Mb/sec) GRAPHICS: NZV2A Asic GPU @ 233 MHz, 932 Megapixels/sec, 8 Textures per pass, texture compression, full scene anti-aliasing, bilinear, trilinear and anisotrophic filtering. Geometry of 115M vertices and 125M particles per sec. GPU is similar to Ge-Force 3 and Ge-Force 4 as in PCs. SOUND: NVidia Soundstorm NVAPU. Supports 64 3D sound channels with up to 256 voices. HRTF Sensaura 3D Enhancement supported. Dolby Surround, Dolby Digital Live 5.1, DTS Surround.
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| 24bit RGB 16,7 million-color palette (16,7M on screen) | |
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[id] => xbox
[p] => games
[gameid] => 8
[model] => XBOX
POST vars: Array
Session vars: Array
current PHP version: 8.2.27 |
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