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Turrican II - Amiga
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Project X - Amiga
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Universe - Amiga
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Alien Soldier - Megadrive
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Raiden - pcengine
Super Star Soldier - pcengine
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Game info


DeveloperCriterion Studios
PublisherElectronic Arts
Reviewed byndial
Join the world's most brutal and enigmatic strike force named "BLACK" in one of the best first person shooters ever appeared on the XBOX console.
The game's story follows the activities of a US strike force called BLACK and serves as a special protector of the American nation against foreign and / or domestic threats. Your primary objective as a Black commando is to get from point A to point B while torching everyone in your way. Although the action is hot and smoking like the barrel firing hundreds of rounds towards enemies, Black falls into a maze of linear gameplay and quite predictable AI.

Black is surely a visual stunner and one of the best looking XBOX (and PS2) first person shooters. Criterion uses the stunning engine of their stellar Burnout racing game series. One of the best elements is its weapons' sounds while the game features some of the most gorgeous weapon visuals ever seen on these consoles. The character models and the game's environments are also extremely good proving that the Xbox could (and can) easily show some teeth in its graphics capabilities. Black is a very beautiful and intense game, that every XBOX user should try!
  • Black
  • Black
  • Black
  • Black
  • Black
  • Black
Hardware information


XBOXCPU: Intel custom Pentium III based @ 733MHz
MEMORY: 64 Mb DDR SDRAM @ 200MHz, dual channel (6400Mb/sec)
GRAPHICS: NZV2A Asic GPU @ 233 MHz, 932 Megapixels/sec, 8 Textures per pass, texture compression, full scene anti-aliasing, bilinear, trilinear and anisotrophic filtering. Geometry of 115M vertices and 125M particles per sec. GPU is similar to Ge-Force 3 and Ge-Force 4 as in PCs.
SOUND: NVidia Soundstorm NVAPU. Supports 64 3D sound channels with up to 256 voices. HRTF Sensaura 3D Enhancement supported. Dolby Surround, Dolby Digital Live 5.1, DTS Surround.
The XBOX (default) color palette
24bit RGB 16,7 million-color palette (16,7M on screen)
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