CPU: The main processor is called "Jaguar" and it is based on a RISC 3000 MIPS. Co-Processor: MC68000 at 13,3MHz used as a general purpose control processor. MEMORY: 2Mb (64bit bus usinf 4x16bit fast page mode DRAMS GRAPHICS: GPU is called Tom at 26,59MHz, 32bit RISC architecture, 4Kb int. cache. Object Processor: 64bit RISC architecture (could do a variety of graphic architectures). Blitter: 64bit RISC architecture managing high speed logic ops, z-buffering, Gouraud Shading (64bit int.registers). DRAM Controller, 32bit memory management. SOUND: Sound chip is called Jerry. DSP 32bit RISC acrhitecture with 8Kb int.cache. It has CD quality sound while the number of channels used depends on the software. Two DAC (stereo) convert digital data to analog sound signals. Full stereo. MEDIA/STORAGE: Cartridges (up to 6 Mb storage), attached CD system (separate)
The Atari Jaguar is a 16/32bit games console, created by Atari Corp. in 1993 with the main goal to compete with the Sega Megadrive and the SNES. Due to its technical specs it was finally considered as the main opponent of the 3DO games system (and Sony Playstation released a bit later). Jaguar was packed with power beyond the limits of its time (though there were powerful machines as SNES). Its specs would allow it to create great games with thousands of colors on screen, CD quality stereo sound and rapid use of 3D objects. It was also supporting two Jaguar consoles to be networked with each other (JagLink Interface)! It was created to surpass the power of the Megadrive and the SNES and later to compete with the 3DO CD-game console. Jaguar was released in the US in November 1993 and after one year it hit the markets in Europe and Australia. This console was the first promoted as a 64bit machine but due to the bad marketing and its expensive price it proved to be a commercial failure for its mother Atari. The company was forced to leave the video games console market after that. The Jaguar has some tenths of games in its library, while software houses have been making games until 1998.
The Jaguar (default) color palette
24bit RGB 16,7 million-color palette (16,7M on screen)