Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker is based on the synonymous 2000 animated film where the greatest Batman's enemy of all times returns from the past to destroy Gotham City. The sleeker, deadlier and seemingly immortal Clown Prince of Crime is back with his own, unique will to cause havoc and mayhem. Trying to uncover the Joker's evil secrets, Terry McGinnis (the new Batman) unveils the darkest mystery from his Caped Crusader mentor and finds out What happened that night the Bat encountered The Joker for the last time. When Bruce Wayne is almost killed in one of the Joker's latest attacks, Batman vows to avenge his mentor and leaves the Joker for dead. The game offers heart-stomping action, an awesome plot and some cool surprises. Its gameplay is quite simple! You have to fight and defeat the Joker's latest incarnation on a side-scrolling, hand-to-hand combat game having weapons and gadgets at your disposal, including the Magnetic Nun Chaku, the Retractable Wings, and The Dark Knight Discus. Challenge the dark forces of Gotham wearing five different Bat-Suits, each with its own unique capabilities. The truth is that you'll need all the help you can get as you venture through 16 touch levels split in four different environments.
The game features superb graphics with colorful 3D environments and well animated characters. I personally love the colors used by the developing team. As far as the sound goes, the in-game tune simply rocks and is accompanied by a variety of sampled sound effects that add to the atmosphere a lot! Batman: Return Of The Joker is surely among the best N64 games and is definitely recommended.